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The company held the establishment of the party branch and the work summary meeting for the first half of 2018

Published on:2018-07-02 15:27:00   Click:

On June 30, 2018, the company held a party branch establishment and work summary meeting for the first half of 2018 in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the administrative office building. All the company's administrative staff, production workshop team/group leaders and employee representatives attended the meeting. The meeting first announced the establishment of the company’s party branch, stating that in the future, under the leadership of the party branch secretary Liu Zhitao, the exemplary and leading role of party members will be used to do a good job in all aspects of the party’s work. After that, the heads of each department reported on the work summary for the first half of the year and the work plan for the second half of the year.

During the meeting, the meeting also announced the establishment of the company's "Family" Fund, which aims to help the needy and reflects the company's "family" culture of caring and caring for employees. A fundraising ceremony for the "Family" fund was held on site, and everyone actively contributed donations. , Which fully reflects the recognition of the "home" culture by the majority of employees.

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